GPS Receiver module

This Grove - GPS module uses a SIM28 and serial communication configuration. It features 22 tracking / 66 acquisition channel GPS receiver. The sensitivity of tracking and acquisition both reach up to -160dBm.


Supply voltage


3.3 V

This module will need an antenna to be connected before use. (This should come with the board from most suppliers.)

Current suppliers





Example code

  1. Add the file "" to the "lib" folder in your current project.

  2. Copy the code below into a new "" file in the same project.

  3. Connect GPS module to board and check pin assignment matches. (Line 13)

  4. Upload to board via USB.

Code to receive & interpret current GPS information

#GPS reader
import pycom
import time

from machine import Pin
from machine import UART

from micropyGPS import MicropyGPS
my_gps = MicropyGPS()

# Setup the connection to your GPS here
# Baudrate is 9600bps, with the standard 8 bits, 1 stop bit, no parity
uart = UART(1, baudrate=9600, pins=('P10','P11')) #Tx, Rx

# Basic UART --> terminal printer, use to test your GPS module
while True:
    my_sentence = (str(uart.readline()))[1:]

    for x in my_sentence:

    print("Latitude: ", my_gps.latitude)
    print("Longitude: ", my_gps.longitude)
    print("Course: ", my_gps.course)
    print("Altitude: ", my_gps.altitude)
    print("Geoid height: ", my_gps.geoid_height)
    print("Date: ",
    print("No. of satellites: ", my_gps.satellites_in_use)

Last updated