
When you set up a new device for the first time or if you want to change any settings, you will need to configure it over WiFi.

  1. Remove your air pollution monitor from any cases such that you can access the user button.

  2. Prepare a phone or computer that is able to connect to local WiFi networks.

  3. Power the PyonAir device.

  4. When setting up the device for the first time, it should automatically switch itself into configuration mode, indicated by blue LED flashing. Otherwise, press and hold the user button on the Grove socket PCB (labelled CONFIG) for 3 seconds.

    The RGB LED should turn solid blue.

  5. Connect to the PyonAir device's WiFi. (This will be named 'NewPyonAir' or whatever you previously named the device.) The password is 'newpyonair'.

  6. Enter into your web browser. The configuration page should appear.

  7. Fill all required fields on the page and click 'Save' when finished. (You will need to provide connection details to LoRa and WiFi, assign a unique ID to each sensor, and specify your preferences regarding data acquisition.)

  8. The PyonAir device should now reboot and will use the settings you provided.

To connect your device to LoRa, register it via The Things Network. Create a new device with the Device EUI shown in the configuration page, and copy the Application EUI and App Key from TTN to the configurations.

If you want to register your device with Pybytes, make sure you note the device's EUI from the configuration page.

Last updated